About Us
Alan Woodard

For over 39 years Mr. Woodard has been involved in the field of debt collection, 32 of those with Asset Management Services LLC. As a founding member of the firm he has meticulously guided the company to where it is today, recognized as one of a handful of companies with the experience, knowledge and resources to solve large complex cases where large sums of money are owed. Relentless in pursuit of justice, Mr. Woodard spares no expense and goes to every length possible to solve cases when he believes the debtor has the ability to pay.
A master at determining which pieces of evidence require a subpoena, he is equally adept at analyzing the evidence once it is obtained. Through the years he has maintained a low profile in order to keep his identity from those he targets. His knack at finding evidence in the field, combined with his ability to extract information from unsuspecting sources has led to the resolution of many high profile cases.
Jim Masters

Jim Masters has been a dedicated field investigator for Asset Management Services since 1993. No one combines his uncanny knack for linking clues with an equally sharp ability to successfully put them together in order to solve a case. He has been on the scene of many major investigations for the firm and continues to succeed on cases when other companies before us have given up.
His background includes continual education in the study of psychological, behavioral patterns of white collar criminals, as well as his studies in forensic techniques that can be utilized in solving cases of fraud, forgery and deceit.
When a case warrants his attention he may travel extensively throughout the United States in order to gather the evidence required to solve it. On call 24 hours a day, Mr. Masters considers this not just his job, but his hobby as well. His attention to detail, combined with his dedication to service make him a formidable foe to anyone who owes money to our clients. In short, Mr. Masters is an invaluable asset to Asset Management Services LLC, and will continue to be a force in our success.
Two Method Model
Unlike our competitors, Mr. Woodard and Mr. Masters are able to employ 2 methods for locating assets and uncovering the weak point in any debtor’s defenses. The first method involves our trained field investigators who will personally, visually and discretely inspect the circumstances of those who are indebted to you. That means we may take photographs to determine actual circumstances, and we will employ all lawful investigative methods to access property and inside information, usually without our target being aware of our presence.
We will then employ our second method, trained computer search agents who have unlimited access to the most current investigative databases available. This method is almost always the only one used by our competition, which can cut their effectiveness in half.